Lit Jam - Macademia

Fun, Free, Functional

This was the card game I created for a project on creating something useful for fellow English students. I can't remember the exact phrasing, but it was something to that extent. Litjam was my way of introducing people to a few authors, motifs, titles and criticism in a type of card game not too far from a general format for real-games. I say real games only because I had come across a 'card game' designed to help librarians or 'information services practitioners' get a better understanding of copyright restrictions. I'm not saying it was bad idea, but some subjects don't lend themselves so readily to fun. Anyway, below are the documents I have so if you ever want to print them off you can (images are subject to copyright restrictions, but since I played that game in an academic setting they constitute fair use). You might have to cut and paste them round a little to get them on A4, I would alter it but I'm still kinda chilled from the anaesthesia and can’t really be bothered. - I had to upload a jpg instead of png because I'm not weebly pro enough for files over 10mb. The rules are at the bottom after you click read more, but you can get the pdf file - here.

LitJam Rules:

Setup phase:

All Author, title and Motif cards are shuffled into a single deck. Each player is then dealt 5 cards from the deck. If a player has no Author cards in their hand they may display their cards, reshuffle the deck and draw a new starting hand of 5 cards. This continues until each player has a hand consisting of at least one Author card.

Turn structure:
  • The player going first then draws a card into their hand. They must then play an Author to begin constructing a "Work"
  • Each subsequent player follows suit for the first round.
  • On the second turn the player may add a Motif or Title to the Author in order to progress the work or they may place another Author to begin a second work.
  • Players may have up to 3 different authors in play simultaneously and thus be constructing 3 works.
  • Card effects that occur are activated in a 'last in, first out' sequence allowing for the use of cards to counter the effects of others.
  • When instructed by a card effect a player may draw a card from the "Criticism deck". Cards from the Criticism deck are capable of being played at any moment of the game.
  • If the main deck is entirely expended to the Graveyard it is reshuffled and play continues as normal with the Graveyard being considered empty.
Each Author, Title and Motif card is affiliated with a particular genre. Players completing works score points based on genre affinities and card effects. The following scoring system applies to completed works;
  • A work of 3 differing genres: 3pts
  • A work comprised of 2 similar genres and 1 distinct genre: 4pts
  • A work consisting of 3 similar genres: 5pts
Victory conditions:
The recommended goal for scoring is between 15-20 points for games lasting 10-30 minutes.