History, Technology, China, Pb China’s ancient water pipes show people mastered complex engineering 4,000 years ago without the need for a China’s ancient water pipes show people mastered complex engineering 4,000 years ago without the need for a centralized state authority - Arkeonews August 23rd, 2023
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Camera, History, Blood, Warfare, Red, Nietzsche, China, 1965 Madame Mao’s Nietzschean Vision March 19th, 2023
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Politics, Warfare, Coldwar, Russia, China, Africa, Oil, Ideology Nigerian Civil War - Foreign Intervention - Oil - Ideology January 29th, 2023
Ai, Linguistics, Semiotics, Cypher, China, Zas An ancient language has defied decryption for 100 years. Can AI crack the code? - Rest of World August 20th, 2022
Cinesemiotics, Adaptation, China How Contemporary Chinese Literature Made Western Modernism Its Own May 23rd, 2022
Genre, Writing, Adaptation, China, Zas Chinese writers combat pandemic boredom by remixing Western literary classics. ‹ Literary Hub April 15th, 2022
Philosophy, Mathematics, China The Secret Math of Hot Dogs and Buns | Quanta Magazine December 13th, 2021
Why does China want to build a kilometer-long spaceship? - Fior Reports September 28th, 2021 2K1, Space, News, Technology, China